Part 1

1. Each field in this Direct Seller Application (the “Application”) is mandatory and required to be filled in English by the applicant himself / herself who wish to be appointed as Independent Direct Seller (also called ‘Independent Distributor’) of I searchwayglobalonline (OPC) Fashion Private Limited (hereinafter “Company”). There is no sign up fees and signing up as Independent Distributor is free of cost.

2. By filing this Application, the applicant undertakes to be abide by the subsequent terms and conditions read with the policies of the Company and the Direct Selling Guidelines published by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs (“MCA”) in Official Gazette dated 28th December, 2021 (“Guidelines”) including any further amendments, modification, or enactment of new legislation by Government of India. I shall sign and submit Independent Distributor Contract with the Company alongwith my application.

Part 2

1. The Independent Distributor understands that the Company is a direct-selling network marketing company dealing in ready-made garments, fashion apparel and accessories. There is no membership fee, joining fee or renewal fee in the company. The Independent Distributors only pay for products and get a tax-paid invoice against their purchases.

2. The Independent Distributor of the Company is above 18 years of age and has submitted true information and valid documents in support of his / her particulars and that the Independent distributor undertakes full responsibility for the genuinity of Identification Documents being submitted.

3. The Independent Distributor hereby authorize the Company to conduct e-KYC of his / her PAN, AADHAR and Bank documents as submitted by him with the Company. I also agree and unconditionally authorize the Company to send communication which will override DND registration.

4. The Independent Distributor of the Company certifies that the details filled in the Online Distributorship Application (e-Form) on the company’s website for new Independent Distributors have been filled-in correctly and have been thoroughly verified. Further, he / she take full responsibility for any errors or omissions in these details. The responsibility for correctness of these details will be both of the existing distributor as well as the prospective distributor.

5. The Independent Distributor of the Company shall be liable to run his/ her business with due sincerity and honesty, fair and in transparent manner in the best interest of both the parties. He/ she shall be further entitled to expand his/her personal business by legal and ethical means only.

6. The Independent Distributor of the Company shall not indulge in any illegal activity which could cause harm/damage/loss to the Company and further shall not sway other Independent Distributors by any means, including by reducing the retail prices of the goods.

7. The Independent Distributor of the Company shall not force any new distributor / prospect to buy the goods from the Company and shall explain to the prospect the business plan of the Company in the fairest and transparent manner. He / she shall also educate each prospect about the 30 days’ Return and Refund Policy of the Company.

8. The Independent Distributor of the Company shall not claim himself / herself to be the Director / Officer or Franchise Owner of the Company. Neither the Independent Distributor of the Company shall claim that he / she have an agency of the Company and that he / she could make any other person also an agent of the Company.

9. The Independent Distributor of the Company shall not disclose the confidential plans of the Company to any other adversary or competing Company and shall also not participate in any illegal business transactions or activities so as to cause loss to the business or reputation of the Company. The Independent Distributor shall also not exaggerate or manipulate the prices / quality / ranking / perfectness or stock conditions in order to sell the retail goods successfully.

10. The Independent Distributor of the Company shall ensure complete secrecy of his / her Online Control Panel and the data contained there-in; also he / she shall not share personal login / password with any third-party, company or any other un-related individual or party whatsoever.

11. That the Independent Distributor of the Company shall not use company’s name or the name(s) of any of its brands to advertise through any media (including but not limited to press, television, radio, Internet, etc.), to wrongfully give an impression that the company provides any kind of regular jobs or accommodation, etc. Further, the Independent Distributor or the Company cannot use the logo, name, address, etc. of the company or any of its associated brands or branches for any means whatsoever without prior written agreement with the company.

12. The Independent Distributor of the Company shall not transfer the business supplement to obtain the benefit of retail store and shall also not sell the goods at a price lower than the retail price in any of the retail stores. Further, the Independent Distributor shall not list and sell products of the Company through any online / offline platform such as retain shops or online stores.

13. The Independent Distributor of the Company shall be restrained from relabeling / repackaging the retail goods in a manner similar to that of the Company and shall not infringe the copyright of the Company or its suppliers in whatsoever manner.

14. The Independent Distributor of the Company shall not promote the goods of any other Company doing the business similar to the Company and shall not persuade the customers to purchase products of other such companies and further shall not sponsor them to approach other Direct Selling Companies.

15. The Independent Distributor of the Company shall not damage the reputation of the Company or its Administrators, Staff or Distributors and shall not put his/her signatures (forgery) on any document so as to interfere in the administrative work of the Company.

16. The Company reserves the absolute rights of admission in its premises. While visiting the Company premises, the Independent Distributors and prospective distributors are required to carry appropriate Identification Documents at all times and they may be physically frisked by security guards at any time in the company premises.

17. The Independent Distributor of the Company understands that all distributors will be treated equally and at par by the company, regardless of their Business Volumes, level, etc. Distributors having higher business volumes cannot seek special privileges or treatment by the company and its staff, etc.

18. The Independent Distributor of the Company shall not claim himself / herself as friend / associate / acquaintance of the Administrators / Directors / Staff of the Company in order to show special privilege and thus claim to affect the business prospects.

19. The Independent Distributors of the Company shall not form unauthorized union and defame the Company or other distributors or sway their distributors or interfere in the working of the system in whatsoever manner. No Independent Distributor shall cause damage to the market reputation of the Company so as to cause business loss of the Company.

20. The Independent Distributor undertakes that he / she will not do business with the company under more than one IFID by falsely giving separate or fake IDs, Address or Age Proofs and / or concealing their identity or by using different names and shall not run two networks simultaneously.

21. The Independent Distributor of the company declares its ‘Conflict of Interest’, that he / she has no “personal” links, acquaintance or relations of any kind with any of Company’s staff members or their families / relations. In case there is an existing relationship or acquaintance, it must be declared prior to starting business with the company, and the company management will authorize such distributorship requests in its own discretion. Breach of these terms will automatically terminate the distributorship.

22. The Independent Distributor of the Company shall not restrain any distributor to do business in his/her particular but legal and ethical way and shall also not restrain him / her from leaving the network or encourage him / her to leave the Company.

Distributor Contract, the Independent Distributor of the Company shall be entitled to receive his/her bonus in the following month when his/her distributorship ceases. He/she shall not be entitled to receive premiums, bonuses; royalty or commissions of any levels generated thereafter, but shall be given the proportional profit acquired prior to the termination of Distributorship. Any future bonus / profits / royalty / commissions shall be deemed to be cancelled. Further, in case the termination of a particular Independent Distributor of the Company negatively affects the commission levels, profits, royalty, etc. of other existing distributors, then any pre-paid additional amount shall be recovered from the said Independent Distributor(s) as per the business plan, rules and regulations of the Company.

24. The Company shall be entitled to cancel / terminate the distributorship of any Independent Distributor in case it is proven that he/she has failed to comply with the terms and conditions as set out herein or if there is any case against the said Distributor of the Company in any Court of Law which may prevent him / her to continue with the business or which may harm the Company’s reputation or good-will. The final decision in this regard shall solely be vested with the Company’s Administration / Management. The Company may disable the distributorship of the Independent Distributor at its sole discretion if the Independent Distributor fails to comply with the terms and conditions mentioned here or in the Independent Distributor Contract and in such circumstances also, no distributor benefits, commissions, royalty, etc. shall be provided to the such distributor.

25. The Independent Distributor of the Company will make the purchases from the money belonging to him / her and not by availing any kind of loan from any person, Bank or financial institution. Further, he / she willnot force or persuade any other new entrant / existing distributor to take loan from any person / Bank / Financial Institution or assure them that loan can be arranged for them at low interest rates. The Independent Distributors shall make it sure that the prospective distributors have the permission of their parents / guardians / family before making any purchases with the Company.

26. There shall be no cash dealings with any third party for and on behalf of the Company on any account whatsoever. Any products being sold by the Independent Distributor to the customer must be accompanied with proper invoice.

27. Unless agreed otherwise in writing, the business and associated benefits are non-transferrable to any third person. Effective from January 1, 2022 Business License (“IFID”) of Independent Distributors can be transferred only to their nominee registered by them with the Company, subject to the terms and condition of ‘Independent Distributor’s License Transfer Policy’ of the Company as amended from time to time


I, the undersigned, hereby confirm that I have completed 18 yr of my age. . All the information is explained me in my vernacular language, I am joining as direct Seller at my own Will and not forced by my sponsor or company. I will solely responsible to any loss due to my decision to become Independent Distributor with the company and I will not hold company or my sponsor guilty or responsible in whatever way in future. I agree to adhere to and abide by the conditions mentioned hereunder. I shall become a Direct Seller, on Purchase of various products which will make me eligible for a relation as a Direct Seller with the Company. I agree to adhere to and abide by the conditions mentioned hereunder. I shall become a Direct Seller, on Purchase of various products which will make me eligible for a relation as a Direct Seller with the Company. My Independent Distributor’s relation cannot be transferred sold, assigned to any person without the prior written consent of the company. I am responsible to pay all my applicable taxes from time to time and the Company will not be held liable for the same. I have no objection and I agree to the Company deducting tax at source from my weekly/monthly actual cheque as per rates prescribed under the Income Tax Act 1961 or pay the same as prescribed under any other law for the time being in force or any modification thereof. I solemnly confirm that the information set forth is accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief and have read, understood and hereby agree to the terms and conditions given in the reverse side of this form and those prevalent/updated on the company’s website, a copy of which has been made available to me by my sponsor. I also confirm and agree to abide by such terms and conditions modified or amended by the said company from time to time


